Bottom Ash

Bottom ash is the non-combustible residue that remains at the bottom of a furnace or boiler after coal, wood, or other solid fuels are combusted in power plants or other industrial facilities. It is an essential cost-effective alternative for builders, who traditionally lean toward materials such as sand or gravel in their construction materials.
How is it Generated?
Bottom ash is produced by facilities that burn solid fuels to generate electricity or heat. These industrial facilities include coal-fired power plants, municipal solid waste incinerators and biomass power plants.
Beneficial Reuse
Bottom ash is used as a substitute across multiple industries, including construction, landscaping and as a component in building and landfill cover materials.
Construction, Engineering, and Building Materials
Bottom ash can be used as a substitute for sand or gravel in construction materials, and as an additive or in raw material in industrial manufacturing.
- Cement and concrete ingredient
- Landfill daily cover, as a protective barrier against moisture and odors
- Road construction
- Sub-base fill for construction projects